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Sandra Niche

#What is the phase of transformation for an adult#

According to source, "A personal transformation occurs when you change your thoughts, behaviors and beliefs to expand your consciousness and live a more filling life''>pers...

Reflecting upon the above, and how my story in my book "Overcoming'' relates to the topic

Coming out of domestic abuse was not easy but I had to get to that stage whereby I told myself, in order to find myself, it is possible that someone can lose themselves whilst in a life of abuse. I came to the stage of my life that I told myself I deserve better and that I need to get away from the environment. After leaving the environment, this is what it looks like

  • Freedom from the four corners I felt trapped in, but in my mind, the memory accompanied by trauma made me feel trapped and that is when I realize the problem still exist and need to be addressed.

  • So, I started looking at ways that I can develop myself and that is when I thought to sought for help and support by enroll into a self-development program and I believe that was the right place to start. I start attending workshops and engaged in courses that can offer education and empowerment.

  • Also, I enrolled myself onto an access course, pursuing a career in nursing, that start to give me self-worth.

  • I attended the Freedom Program that Women's Aid offer. This helped me to understand the topic on domestic abuse and what it looks like that it not only presents itself physically, but it can be emotionally, psychologically, the perpetrator can be controlling and that people can experience financial abuse.

  • The workshops also empowers and challenge my way of thinking, gives me the tool how to make wise choices that will help me to rise above the things that limits my progress.

#Ways to live a transform life.

  • Define your vision; decide what kind of individual you want to be and work towards it.

  • Stop procrastinating, set up a time frame to which you want to achieve your goal, this will motivate you.

  • Learn to forgive yourself of the wrong decisions you made in the past, holding on can stagnate you.

  • Practice self-care, it is essential to help you feel relax, refresh and give you the energy to pursue your goal and make you feel better about yourself.

  • Set goals that is achievable, that will prevent you from feeling burnt out and you will feel happier about yourself.

  • Practicing the art of gratitude can help you to feel better about yourself and bring out that positive side of you and open doors for greater achievement.

Biblical definition of transformation.

According to Merriam -the Webster dictionary define transformation as"A complete or major change in someone or something's appearance, form etc'', but what does that mean for the Christian? Should we change our behavior to look more like Christ?

  • In the Greek definition for transformation in the new Testament is metamorphosis, which is "profound change from one stage to the next life history of an organism, relating to the caterpillar to the pupa to the adult butterfly'' Therefore you and I must want change or less something wrong with the mental aspect of the individual that prevents them from making such decision. For example; people with chronic mental health problem does not have the capacity to make wise and inform choices, without help and support.

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