First, you got to be honest to yourself to want to admit that the life-style you are in is abusive, and that you are a victim.
You got to reach that place that you have a change mindset, and want to get out.
In order to find the courage to walk away, you got to tell yourself; you have had enough and ready for change.
You got to believe you deserve better, and that is where acceptance comes in; no hiding, lying or pretending. I.e; when you are around friends you pretend that everything is OK. You don't have to open up to everyone, but you can find someone that you feel comfortable with that you can seek advice and receive support.
You doing something about your situation, by talking to someone is a sign that you want to get out.
Ensure that you are working and that you have some savings, that will give you the confidence that you can look after yourself and children without worrying too much.
#Problems causes by domestic abuse#
Physical injuries(sometimes severe or fatal)
Mental health issues
Social isolation
loss of jobs
Financial difficulties<home
#Obstacles for a woman to leave domestic abuse#
According to Women's Aid "This prevents people from recognizing the abuse and isolates the woman further. The perpetrator often minimizes, denies or blames the abuse on the victim. Victims maybe ashamed or make excuses to themselves and others to cover up the abuse''>w...
According to Citizen Advice; "victims can face emotional barriers-like low self-esteem, self-blame, fear, guilt, and love and commitment-as well as practical, financial or physical barriers to extracting themselves from an abusive relationship''>...
If you need support, please feel free to reach out and someone will get back to you.